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Sustainable Swag


5 ways to help make this summer's office party more sustainable

An office summer party or company retreat that makes sustainability a priority, doesn't have to mean asking people to make a lot of sacrifices; there are plenty of ways to make it fun.

There's a good chance that a "sustainable office summer party" conjures up a few images in your mind. If you're thinking that this kind of event would involve sitting around a dark room sipping on paper straws, we're going to nip that in the bud right here.

First and foremost, an office party must be fun. Especially now that summer is finally on the horizon, people want to enjoy a well-earned change of pace from the usual 9-to-5.

Everything about it should just scream summer, from the food and decorations, right down to the overall theme for the night.

Before we get into how you can make your party more sustainable, you've got to make sure you maintain a summer vibe from start to finish. As in, donning your Hawaiian shirt while you listen to some Beach Boys by the coast kind of vibes!


1. Paint the town green

To make this party as sustainable as possible, the best idea would be to not make it the first eco-friendly effort made on a company level. You don't have to immediately start planting trees for every customer you get, but making it clear that this is something you are taking seriously will help your staff become more invested.

Try to think of ways you can reward people's eco-friendly efforts, and lead by example if you're in a position to do so. You could name a "Green Champion" on the day of the party with the incentive of a nice sustainably-produced gift for the winner, or you could even create a leader board of sustainability in the months leading up to it and pick your champion from it.

If you're still at this stage of the planning, check out our tips on making your office a more sustainable workplace.

2. Get the gifts right

It wouldn't be a party without a few gifts, so whether it's a corporate gift for a client, or a little something you put together for staff, it's important to get it right.

Choosing employee gifts that are made sustainably from the most sustainable materials available demonstrates your company's commitment to reducing their carbon footprint.

Whether you order a batch of custom Hawaiian shirts or a batch of swag boxes, take confidence in knowing that we've put sustainability at the heart of our mission. 

Products ending up in a landfill is not going to do any good for your business or the climate, so ensuring a zero waste policy for our manufacturing procedures is crucial.

When we ask our manufacturing partners for 234 custom Hawaiian shirts, they buy enough fabric for 235 shirts and that’s the number that will be made. There will be no waste. They'll make one sample that they hold, and if you come back and say I want one more, they have to go and buy more yarn.

3. Think about the menu

It is an office summer party, so we're going to bet that you are already thinking about the menu, and everyone who's going will be doing the same. So much is riding on the food when it comes to how much people will enjoy the party and taking a zero-waste approach is pretty much the only way to go.

Try to go for food that doesn't come wrapped in a tonne of plastic, or at the very least uses recyclable materials. Similarly to the gifts as well, the food should absolutely be coming from a responsible source instead of a company where the only green thing the CEO is interested in is what goes into the bank.

If you know how many people are coming, try to sit down ahead of time and work out how much food you will need to avoid excessive waste. Always try to think about what can be done with the leftovers before you throw them in the trash as well, whether you want to make smoothies from some of the fruit or donate what you can to a local shelter.

4. Make it a team effort

We've already touched on some of this, but for this sustainable part to really work, you've got to try to get as many people invested in it as possible. Making sure everybody has a chance to come up with ideas is a must, because there is always going to be someone who comes up with something you would have never thought of.

Even if it's just for that day, if it's at all possible for people to carpool to the venue for the sustainable party, or organize a bus to reduce the number of cars travelling to the same place, the best way to make that happen is by letting people be a part of it all from the early stages.

This doesn't have to just be in the planning stages either, the whole day shouldn't rest on one person's shoulders. A potluck of responsibly-sourced food can work out a lot cheaper, makes everybody feel part of the whole thing.

 5. Make green the theme

Honestly, sometimes the hardest thing to understand about sustainability is that it doesn't have to be a grand gesture or massive sacrifice. Just try to keep it on your mind when you're making a call about the party, and ask yourself if there is an alternative way of doing things that would be more environmentally friendly.

For example, when you're sending out invitations, is it really necessary to print out a physical copy for everyone? Sticking to digital cards can not only save you a good chunk of cash and just as much stress, but it also makes it clear from the off that you are taking sustainability seriously.

Once you keep this in mind, it should become a lot easier to figure out what the right thing is to do to make sure the party is as sustainable as possible. From sticking with reusable plates and cutlery to asking around for old decorations instead of buying new ones, it'll all start to click pretty quickly.