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5 tips to make your 4th of July party the talk of the office

4th of July office party American flags BBQ Hawaiian shirt

The only correct way to celebrate the 4th of July is to throw one hell of a party, and here's how to get it right.

It's not every day of the week we get to throw a 4th of July party. It's a truly special occasion, no other national holiday has quite the same vibe as the one that celebrates American independence.

There's a good chance it's already on everybody's minds on the office, so now is the perfect time to build up some hype, get your whole team buzzed and maybe grab yourself some 4th of July swag. Basically, you want your 4th of July party to be all anybody can talk about at the water cooler (or at the start/end of the team video conference). But to do that, you're going to need to create something pretty damn special.

This is a different animal compared to other types of office get-togethers like Christmas or summer parties, and there is an opportunity here for the organiser to plan something truly amazing. From sending out some summer-themed 4th of July swag like custom Hawaiian shirts and bucket hats as a way to get people excited; to planning the ultimate company BBQ, here are our tips on how to make this year's 4th of July celebrations the best anyone has ever experienced.

1. Sit yourself down

4th of July office party American flags BBQ Hawaiian shirt

Now you've decided to throw the most amazing 4th of July party that your co-workers have ever attended, it's time to start thinking about what that might actually look like. You don't need to have every last detail planned right from the off, but it's essential that you figure out exactly what kind of party you want to throw so it ends up hitting all the right notes.

Bigger isn't always better, so think about ways you can set a relaxed vibe for everyone. Actually, forget that. This is the fourth of July we're talking about here so the party planner had best pull out all of the stops.

Start off with the basics; food, music, entertainment, gifts (like summer swag!), guest numbers, etc. Once you've got all that mapped out alongside a clear budget, you can get the ball rolling on actually making it happen.

2. Make some calls

4th of July office party American flags BBQ Hawaiian shirt

When planning a 4th of July office party, it's always a good idea to call for a little bit of outside help. Someone in the office will know a kickass band to get the party started, a local chef could help plan the company BBQ, or maybe there's someone down the street who does fire juggling on the side - now is a great time to start calling in any and all favours.

This is not meant as encouragement to just phone it in and hire a party planner to take care of everything for you, that my friend is what quitters do. Just try to think of anyone in your circle of family and friends who might be able to give your party a bit of an edge.

Making it a team effort is a great way to take some of the pressure off of your shoulders as well, and should help make sure you tick all the right boxes. Simply find some likeminded people who understand what it is you are trying to do, and ask if they might be willing to come and help you create an awesome 4th of July party for the entire office to enjoy.

3. Go all out with your summer swag

4th of July office party American flags BBQ Hawaiian shirt

We might have already alluded to the fact that 4th of July parties should be as over-the-top as possible (think big, then go bigger), but this should be reflected in every aspect of the night. From the party decorations and the standard of the food right down to the music you pick and the location you choose, these are the details that people will really remember.

When it comes to decorations, moderation is not a word you want in your lexicon for July 4th. If you find a yardage of open space that could have otherwise held an American flag on it, you should hang your head in shame for having failed in your duty to make this party a night that truly celebrates American independence in as big a way as possible.

It's worth thinking about a dress code as well, and by that we certainly do not mean black tie. Something that fits in with the overall summer theme, as well as 4th of July is what you're looking for, so asking people to don their sunglasses, shorts and custom Hawaiian shirts is a good way to go.

If you want to put on a good show, music is going to be an essential part of that. Whether you're getting a live band in to bang out some tunes or have a sound system ready to blast out a party playlist, music choice is not something you should overlook.

We've got another blog post that's all about what songs you should have on a summer music playlist, so be sure to check that out right here!

4. Send memorable invites

4th of July office party American flags BBQ Hawaiian shirt

If you send out a bunch of emails to everyone that just let people know when and where they need to be, you're missing out on a serious opportunity. When you go the extra mile with the invitation design and make them that little bit more special, people will know for sure that this July 4th party will be one to remember.

One fantastic way to build up hype is to send everybody out some summer swag that you hand-picked yourself, making sure you go for what's popular right now. If your invitations come alongside some custom Hawaiian shirts or bucket hats and shorts, you can be pretty confident that no one is going to be forgetting your 4th of July party any time soon!

5. Stay with it

4th of July office party American flags BBQ Hawaiian shirt

This is your party and you should 100% enjoy yourself on the night, but making sure everybody else is as happy as can be is what will make people feel the most welcome. You want this party to be a night to remember after all, so being a good host is going to be a crucial part of ensuring that will be the case come the next day at work when no one has anything else to talk about.

While you don't have to keep everybody's glasses full or badger them every five minutes to see if they want any more food, simply checking in on them when you can will make a big difference.