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Sustainable Swag


5 Tips on How to Best Photograph Your Merch

1. Bring a crowd!

Whether it's a company party or a conference getaway, it's always better to showcase your brand in abundance - bring the group together for some photoshoot fun.


2. Catch some rays

Do what you can to make sure the light catches everyone’s good side! Stay out of the shade and show your merch to the world



3. Have some fun with it

Grab a prop or pose with some friends - express your creativity and embrace your goofiness (but stay safe around the wild animals!)


4. Capture the moment! 

You know that moment when the entire team is at an expo, or on retreat, or on a social night out and you think, 'Geez, this scene would make for a great photo' - take that photo, don't let the moment pass!


5. Don't leave it gathering dust on the camera roll

Our smartphones are spilling over with far too many great pix of memorable occasions with amazing colleagues that never see the light of day. Get those pix off your camera roll and onto your social media for everyone to savour how much fun was had. And then start planning the next big event!